These are guided walks around Cambridge city centre suitable for children of primary or secondary school age. They are designed to help children learn more about the history of Cambridge and the influence of Christian thinkers. They were developed to support the RE curriculum and encourage cross-curricular links with other key subjects, in particular science and history. Many world-leading pioneers in scientific discovery and social reform have lived and worked in Cambridge over the centuries. Many were inspired by their faith, which the Footprints walks explore.
Types of walks
The walks have been created to explore the themes of Human Rights and Science and are split into KS1 or KS2. Schools can book a guided walk at any time in the year.

Booking a walk
If you wish to book a walk or undertake your own walk using the Footprints of Faith resources, please contact us at [email protected] for more details.
There are travel grants available to assist schools getting the children to Cambridge.

Download and print the pupil worksheets
Each stop has an activity connected to the story and each activity has a worksheet for the children. You will need to print one set of worksheets per child.
On a walk you will need to bring with you:
- A set of worksheets for each pupil (see links above).
- A clipboard for each pupil.
- Writing and colouring pencils for children.
- Your usual school trip accessories (first aid, mobile, etc).
- Packed lunch and/or snack (if necessary).
If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]