This resource has been developed from a research project funded by the Church Schools of Cambridge into delivering class based Collective Worship sessions at primary school level. The research took place over a year with children from a primary school in Cambridge and the resources created after conversations with children, testing the sessions out in the classroom and after feedback from the children.

The pack offers resources which can be used in the classroom during the course of the school year, providing opportunities to support children’s spiritual development. Allowing them to experience and reflect spiritually on three themes; self, others, the world and with an ultimate order of things (for some this may be God).
The pack was written with the idea of running ‘Others’ in the Autumn term, ‘Self’ in the Spring term and ‘World’ in the Summer term. However, the themes are not linked to a time of the year (except for the Remembrance in ‘Others’) and it can be used flexibly to fit the needs of the children and school.
Each session has KS1 and KS2 versions, with a shared story. The structure of each session is basically the same, so the children build up confidence to respond as they become comfortable and feel safe. This structure also makes it easy for you to adapt a session to include a theme and story of your choosing that is of relevance to your class or school.
Further resource on school level worship has been created by the Diocese of Ely entitled Acts of Worship and can be found on their website.
These resources can be used online for home schooling. See the Hints and Tips document for information about doing this.