The Trust owns the sites of four primary schools in Cambridge city, St Luke’s, St Philip’s, St Paul’s and Park Street, which are collectively known as the ‘Trust Schools’. We work directly with these schools providing facilities and targeted pupil support as well as appointing Foundation Governors.

We appoint half of the Foundation Governors that make up the governing body at Park Street, St Pauls and St Philips, with the other half appointed by the Diocese of Ely. We also appoint community governors at St Luke’s (as DEMAT school). Foundation Governors take on the normal governor duties, but also have a specific concern for governing the ethos of a school. In Church of England schools they have a particular concern for maintaining the Christian ethos, as well as Collective Worship and RE provision. If you are interested in finding out more about becoming a Foundation Governor please contact us about current vacancies on [email protected]
Supporting pupils is a priority in all our Trust Schools. We provide a number of annual grants, including a standard core grant as well as other targeted support grants to help support the overall educational needs (academic, spiritual and emotional) of the children and to add value.

The Trust has historically supported St Bede’s Inter-Church School Today, we give a small annual grant and we have worked together to produce faith-based resources. For more information on this school, visit