We work in partnership with others who help to deliver our vision and we fund activities that support the provision of RE, Collective Worship and the educational needs of young people.
The Trust currently works with the following organisations:

Diocese of Ely – we have a close working relationship with the Diocese and their education activities. Our four Trust schools all benefit from the support that the Diocese provides for Church schools and we currently support the Regional Schools Adviser programme. More information can be found at www.elyeducation.org

Great St Mary’s (GSM) – we are part-funding a Science and Faith Engagement Officer at GSM who is working with congregations, schools and student communities to develop educational resources on the issues of climate change and the spread of disease within a Christian context. More information can be found at www.greatstmarys.org

GenR8 – we support the Inspire permanent prayer spaces and transition prayer bags for schools initiatives with a contribution towards the materials used to deliver these. More information can be found at www.genr8.org/inspire-permanent

Acorn Project – We are funding the costs of a practitioner for one day a week to develop an intervention drop-in model to focus on tackling inequalities. More information can be found at www.cambridgeacornproject.org.uk

OutoftheBox – We are working collaboratively with Out of the Box, developing stories and trialling them in the classroom. Out of the Box uses story and play for personal and community wellbeing. Their storytellers create brave relational space to breathe, trust, listen, feel, wonder, play and love. More information can be found at https://www.outoftheboxtraining.org or by visiting their Facebook page.
The Trust also supports a range of research activity and pilot activities, and more information on these can be found here.