Science Walk KS1 – Stop 3: Gonville and Caius College

At each stop on the walk there will be a story and an activity. Worksheets for children to use during the walk need to be downloaded and printed off at school and brought with you.

Stop 1 | Stop 2 | Stop 3 | Stop 4 | Stop 5

Story Three:
William Harvey (1578–1617) 



This stop takes place at Michaelhouse and explores the life of William Harvey, another Cambridge student who became a royal doctor. He studied anatomy – how the body works, and made detailed drawings showing the inside of the body.

As well as being the doctor to King James I and then King Charles I, he carried out scientific experiments. He worked out that the heart pumps the blood, and it moves round the whole body in a circuit and wrote a book about his ideas and experiments, called “On the movement of the heart and blood”.

Children can make a drawing of an interesting object in the church.

Background information for teachers

Stop 1 | Stop 2 | Stop 3 | Stop 4 | Stop 5